I feel a great sense of clarity right now. A steady quietness that I've been needing to feel for quite some time. Or just get in tune with. I feel strong. Solid. I'm in Virginia which is like my second home outside of Texas. I haven't felt this centered in a long time. The future lies in the choices we make, and who we are in relation to what gets thrown our way...
On an unplanned trip to BestBuy yesterday with my sister I bought Capote (for like 4 bucks which makes sense to my wallet, but no sense in price for quality's sake). It is one of the best movies that I've seen in a long time. I think the word riveting is cliche and something you hear in movie reviews, but this movie was riveting. Enthralling. I haven't yet read In Cold Blood, but I have to now that I've seen this.
After that I watched Chaplin with Robert Downey Jr. for the first time. It came out in '92 when I was 4. Learning about Chaplin was like osmosis. It's like he's somewhere in the collective unconscious where ever pop culture resides. I also remember Sesame Street having one of their actors do a Chaplin bit that was great. Anyway, Robert Downey Jr. gave a really good performance. He really took on the slapstick/vaudeville physical humor. Really loved it.
So I've spent three months with an ensemble of people lets say eight because I could perhaps be forgetting someone... Anyway three months of working on a lets say "play". We have written it, directed it, and acted/performed in it. Today was our opening day. We got to the theatre at like 9:00 this morning did a rehearsal yada yada. Of course nerves were present. It's great that this came together and connected to our audience. Two hundred people came to see our play... I am so happy to be a part of it... Our supervisor/editor I'll call her, consistently pushed us to be our best, write our best, give good direction, and not let this play in her words "shit the bed". I will be using that phrase in the future. The whole process has been draining, and rewarding. A labor of love :). Another show tomorrow.xx My brain is tired...
Besides that I am listening to Edith Piaf who I adore.
Roy Orbison is one of my all time favorite artists. I like the term magician. He makes me happy. It's quite pointless to explain what makes Roy Orbison so special. He had such an amazing voice. His way of getting a song out and conveying emotion are inexplicable. Not to mention being a great songwriter. His songs are quite simple, but have such a quality to them. Magician... I'm yammering now... :) "He made emotion fashionable"-Robin Gibb
This is one of those Dvd sets, it's got some really good interview bits.
My day started with having to get up at 5:30 in the morning for a rehearsal... We are still tweaking this war story play we are doing, and it's still being tweaked. We go on next Tuesday. We have this funny sound designer who thought she could get away with sticking Lord of the Rings music in the background of one of the scenes. To say the least it was pretty fucking funny when there is a serious war scene going on and everyone is looking around wondering where Frodo Baggins comes in... Geez. Hobbits:) That was a lighter part of the day. My brain at times feels as though it will implode, but I suppose everyone feels like that sometimes... It's strange, usually I am always in my head, but lately I've felt quite free. Like when you're a kid and life is there. You have the ability to be in the moment and less cerebral. It's a good thing. I got some loot and am excited because I can afford to buy some albums. I also need a new CD player because my cheapskate one broke. It's pretty stone age, but eh whatev. Maybe I'll get a ipod someday.
Florence and The Machine... She is such a talent. Amazing.